Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Hello Readers: Fibromyalgia Update

Hello my wonderful readers, it's been ages since I've posted anything for you all, a lot has been happening over the years in my life.
The photo above is what I look like now at 44 I'll be 45 in December 2020.
So I'm happy and excited to tell you guys about my Fibromyalgia journey thus far, I'll share the positives only, I've never been hospitalized and no surgeries thank God!
I've learned that acupuncture sessions a few times a year helps me with the pain, I've learnt that green foods such as cabbage, all lettuce,greens, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers,cucumbers, are not good for me the great information that causes me pain also "cold foods" like tomatoes, and watermelon causes me to have pain..... since I've stopped eating these foods I can say I'm 90% pain free, the only pain I'll have is just growing old pains! Lol...so you can try this for me to get the benefits of green in my diet I use wheatgrass in juice.... I get flare ups on my pressure points the usual spots we all get pain that is my signal to start on my acupuncture treatments again as well as getting your lymphatic system drained!
Have lots more to share soon, stay safe love you guys and God bless you.

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