Monday, 9 September 2013

Summertime smoothie. Homemade with Youngevity!

Summertime smoothie. Homemade with Youngevity! 
Now this drink can be a power booster you can mix the Tangy Tangering with fresh mango juice,apple juice, just mix it with your favorite fresh drink... now the instructions are on the container, But the way I do it i use 2 scoops for every 100lbs. body weight so if I use 4 scoops i split it into 2 drinks for the day one at breakfast, and one at dinner,I love to mix this with apple juice that I blend in 2cups of water sometimes i strain sometimes I don't then add the 2 scoops. Please note shiny apples are waxed coated so to remove most of it before blending i use warm water and a rag wipe the apple then take a butter knife and scrape you will notice some white stuff that's the wax you just wipe it of and you are good to go :) 

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