Posted at 12/01/27
Name: Jean Luc Guislain
Sex: Male
Country: Canada
Age: 58
Diagnoses: 1. Rheumatoid Arthritis 2. Hypertension level 1, low-risk
Admission Date: 2011-10-22
Days Admitted to Hospital: 28
Nine years ago, Jean developed pain in the left Achilles tendon and the pain was more severe after physical activity. He went to his local hospital for related examinations and Rheumatoid Arthritis was considered. The symptoms initially didn't affect his quality of life and he didn't receive treatment at that time. After a period of time, the pain spread to the right wrist and the forefinger on the right hand. The pain was more severe when the weather changed. The pain in the joints increased in October 2010, affecting his walking ability. There was limited movement in the left ankle and wrist joint. After taking Boswellia, Glucosamine, and Cod liver oil and other natural products, his condition improved. But the pain once again increased in early 2011, this time affecting his quality of sleep. There was swelling in the left ankle, wrist, elbow and the forefinger on the right hand. There was limited movement in the left leg and obvious pain when the arms were in the pronated or supinated positions.
During the physical examination, Jean was alert and his speech was clear. The muscle strength of all four limbs was level 5. The tendon reflexes of all four limbs were normal. Jean limped on his left leg when he walked. The skin temperature was higher than normal. There was abnormal frictional rubbing in the left ankle joint when there was any movement. The coordinated movement examination of all four limbs was normal.
Jean received treatment in order to expand the blood vessels, nourishment for the neurons, anti-inflammatory medication and acesodyne. He also received treatment to improve his immune system and had the functioning of the organs stabilized. The blood pressure was monitored at the hospital, and the blood pressure reading was 140/150/90-100mmHg. Jean was diagnosed with hypertension level 1, low-risk. He was put on antihypertensive medication for treatment.
After the completion of the treatment, Jean's blood pressure reading was stable. He now gets more sleep and the quality of sleep is better. The pain in the joints has been alleviated and the range of movement of the legs and arms has increased. The swelling in the joints and skin temperature around the swelling area has almost been restored to normal. The frictional rubbing in the joints when Jean exercises has been alleviated noticeably. When he walks, he no longer limps on his left leg.
Jean said his aches and pains were much less in a short time after the admission. He is satisfied with the outcome of the treatment.
Dr. Terri Liu
198 Fengbao Road, Beijing, China 100160
Tel: +86-10-83616677 ext. 823
Fax: +86-10-83614989
Email: wustemcells@163.com
Contact Information
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