The doctor has now told me 2 weeks ago that i am borderline Diabetic !!!! Yes that is what the tests showed did a fasting BS. Test twice in 4 days !! 145 and 135 ...
So i am on a diet of almost nothing to eat no flour or w/wheat can use corn pasta as it is gluten free ,no cake , ice cream, no butter, cheese, sugar,juice so what have i been on ?
Corn Pasta, chicken breasts, cottage cheese greens ,pumpkin cucumbers, apples not much thou ..been juicing the raw vegetables , lemons,in cold water on warm water on mornings ...not much beans because of my R.A don't need my protein level to high ...
So am doing well lost some more weight as well so November i will do more tests to know it i actually have Type 2 Dia.
I will keep you all posted ...